2022 Junior Representative Coaching Applications - NOW OPEN
Applications are now open for our 2022 Junior Representative Coaching Positions.
Positions Available:
BFNL 13/U, 15/U & 17/U
GFNL 13/U, 15/U & 17/U
Successful applicants will be responsible for a minimum 6 weeks of training sessions, followed by the Central West Association Championships Day on Sunday 22nd May 2022.
If successful at the Central West day, teams will then take part in the Association Championships Finals Day on Sunday 24th of July 2022.
Applicants must be available to assist with selection on Sunday February 6th and 13th.
Requirements and responsibilities of the role are as follows:
- Participate as a member of the team Selection Panel for your appointed team.
- Adhere to all league policies and guidelines.
- Develop the team training program including skill development sessions, in line with player workloads and availability
- Provide coaching instruction to team members in the areas of technique, specialist positional skills and team skills.
- Identify and maximise underlying potential to deliver long term growth in individual athletes.
- Evaluate and assess individual and team performance, ensuring individuals are appropriately challenged, and provided with constructive feedback.
- Take appropriate action to ensure that underperformance is effectively dealt with.
- Develop, implement, and adapt match play strategies.
- Team coaches will supervise and mentor assistant coaches in both the training and competition environment.
- Communicate clearly, concisely and with a high level of integrity to both the player and parent group.
- Current Working with Children’s Check required.
- Minimum Foundation Level coaching accreditation required.
Please submit your application to
i.e. BFNL 15/U or 17/U
Coaches will receive an honorarium for their contribution.
Applications close Monday 31st of January.