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The official noticeboard for AFL Barwon Club Officials & Volunteers.
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March 6, 2025
(LAST UPDATED - March 6, 2025)

General Updates

New Updates

Season Launch / 25 Years of GFNL Netball - RSVP by March 10

The details of the event are as follows:

Date: Monday, March 17th
Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Venue: Geelong West Town Hall (153 Pakington St, Geelong West VIC 3218)

We kindly request that each club RSVP’s for 2 Football and 2 Netball Representatives via the following link by Monday, March 10th to confirm your attendance.


Club Captains Media Shoot 

Please be advised that we will be holding our Club Captain’s Media Shoots at AFLB HQ (Highton Reserve) with the option of the following dates: 

Monday 24th March – 3pm-6pm or,
Tuesday 25th March – 3pm-6pm  

    There is an expectation for each club to provide the following club representative (Captain preferred) for an individual shoot at one of the above dates. 

    • 1 x Senior Male Football Player 
    • 1 x A-Grade Netballer 
    • 1 x Senior Female Footballer (If Applicable) 
    • 1 x All-Abilities Football Player (If Applicable)
    • 1 x All-Abilities Netball Player (If Applicable)

        The players will need to be dressed in full playing attire – Including boots and netball bibs with changerooms available onsite. 

        If your club is wearing alternative uniforms for any of the themed rounds below, it would be great if you could let me know prior and have the player equipped with the alternative uniform (if applicable).  

        • ANZAC Day 
        • Indigenous Round  
        • Inclusion / Pride Round 
        • Other Club Based Initiatives  

              If there are any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out Sean Atkinson (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or Camryn Sheehan (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

              Photo Request - GFNL Netball History

              We are currently collecting photo and video submissions from Clubs so that we can develop some historical content on the last 25 Years of Netball in the Geelong Football Netball League. 

              Please send all submissions through to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


              New Updates

              2025 Resource & Instruction Videos

              Recordings from webinars held during Club Education Week are now available on the Club Education Hub. There are full webinar recordings, as well as shorter resources videos on inidividual topics. 

              Head to the link below to view the resources and start your year strong. 

              Female Football Fixture Update

              Thank you to all clubs for your patience regarding the 2025 Female Fixtures. With many factors at play, this process has taken longer than anticipated. Please know we are working hard to release the fixtures as soon as possible while ensuring all factors are considered to produce the best outcome. We appreciate your understanding as we navigate this timely and complex process.

              CDFNL Clubs - Upcoming Dates
              • Tuesday 11th March Season launch at the Colac RSL upstairs at 6.30. (Football & netball captains to attend in club uniform)
              • Wednesday 12th March Junior coaching night 6.30 at the Colac RSL. (all 3 junior coaches)
              • Tuesday 18th March delegates meeting at 7 pm at the Colac RSL. 
              CDFNL Club Oval Request

               Any CDFNL Clubs that have football ovals available for practice match use, please let me know as several clubs from the Geelong region are looking for football grounds.  

              This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


              Male U18s Colts Team Entries

              Reminder, Male U18 Colts section to submit team entry for 2025 season by 10th March 2025 via google form sent to coordinators by Simon Riddoch (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

              BFNL Senior & Reserves Footballs

              BFNL Senior & Reserves footballs (8 per club) are available for collection at AFL Barwon office.

              Will Ross is the lead for football ordering process. (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

              Player Points

              Player points are being applied to CDFNL, BFNL, GDFNL, GFNL & Senior Women’s football, starting last week.

              Clubs are reminded that player points may not be available to be granted on Saturday match days in season 2025. 

              Please remind players to register to your club for player point allocations any player points matter ref to Michael Limb Head of Football Operations. (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

              Resource Links

              Football Umpiring


              Come And Try - Colac

              Details -

              Wednesday 12th March
              Colac Cricket Ground/Lake Oval Colac

              AFL Barwon Umpires Camp 2025

              Details - 

              Geelong High School
              Sunday 16th March

              We welcome any person who umpires football in the AFL Barwon region, League and Club aligned!

              Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.for more information

              Kardinia Park Festival of Sport - TOMORROW!
              The Festival of Sport will feature AFL Barwon Umpires again in 2025 🏃‍➡️🎉
              🗓 Friday 7th March
              📍 Kardinia Park, Geelong
              ⏰ From 5pm
              🏃30+ Come and Try Activities
              🎟 Completely FREE


              New Updates

              Player Points and Salary Cap Reporting (TTP & APP)

              Please be aware of your clubs requirements regarding Player Points and Allowable Player Payments for season 2025.  

              A session on both topics was held during Club Education Week. You can find a recording of this session HERE. 

              Player Points: 

              Please ensure you have submitted your squad lists to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by NO LATER than Friday 14th March. This ensures the Operations team have adequate time to assess your points lists. 

              Please also ensure ALL A GRADE SQUAD MEMBERS are registered by Monday March 24th so that points can be ASSIGNED on PlayHQ. 

              Players who register after 4pm on the Friday before their first match may not have adequate time for their points values to be assigned. 

              Salary Cap 

              All clubs must submit a budget at the beginning of the season. The budget can exceed your club’s allowable player payments (as it is only a budget), but clubs must remain under their permitted player payment limit at the conclusion of the season. 

              All players who take the court in A Grade must also have either: 

              • A Standard Player Declaration 
              • Non-Declared player statement 

              Each of these Allowable Player Payment reporting documents MUST be submitted NO LATER THAN April 30th.  

              These can be submitted to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

              For all player payment and player points documentation, you can find this HERE. 

              If you require support in this space, please contact Sophie Allison. 

              Netball Operations - Meeting & Workshop

              All netball directors/presidents and senior coordinators will have received the following email from Sophie Allison earlier this week. 

              On the 19th March, the AFL Barwon Netball team are going to be hosting a meeting/workshop evening, to touch base prior to the season, and begin some conversations about topics we are eager to work with clubs on during the course of this season. 

              Our intention in raising these workshop topics early, is to enable clubs and AFL Barwon to work together to get a clear understanding of the direction we wish to head in with each of the topics and ensure all viewpoints can be considered and worked through. 

              The meeting details are: 

              Wednesday 19thMarch 

              AFL Barwon Social Rooms 

              204 Roslyn Road, Highton 

              6pm – 8pm 

              We will be giving an overview of the season from a netball and umpiring perspective, and an update of what is in the pipeline, before the second half of the session will be broken into groups, with talking points to be raised for discussion. 

              To support us in preparing adequate talking points, we are asking each club to answer the following survey. This will support not only the meeting on the 19th, but also our ability to advocate for netball within the region. 

              Please include in your survey response the names of who in your club will be in attendance – this does not have to be a director or president, but someone who likely supports with the operations of your club.  

              Multiple people are welcome to attend, but we ask that no more than 3 per club. 

              Updated Player Vacancies

              If your club is in a position where you are seeking additional netball players to field a Saturday team (senior or junior), please feel free to email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we can post your contact details here. 

              Lara FNC Seeking 17&U Netballers 

              Lara FNC are seeking 17&U Netballers for Saturday division 1 and 2 competitions. 

              If you, or someone you know, are interested in playing netball in this age group, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

              Leopold FNC Seeking 17&U Netballs  

              FNC are seeking 17&U Netballers for Saturday division 1 and 2 competitions. 

              If you, or someone you know, are interested in playing netball in this age group, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

              St Albans - U13 Netballers WE WANT YOU! 

              Thursday nights at 4pm our U13's are training ahead of the 2025 season!  

              Bring your friends and come down to be apart of an incredible club.  

              Contact Jacinta on 0408295899 for more information.  

              Midweek Netball - Thank you

              Thanks to all clubs who participated in Summer Competition. It was another record-breaking season, with more teams than ever entered. 

              For those clubs wishing to submit midweek winter teams, please complete this step as soon as possible to support in our planning. 

              Representative Netball Fixtures  

              Monday 10th  March 2025 

              Barwon Junior Netball Championships – Championship Teams 

              Labour Day Long Weekend – Competition Bye 

              Full BJNC fixture and results 

              Geelong Central Netball Competitions – Development Teams 

              Labour Day Long Weekend – Competition Bye 

              Full GCNA fixture and results – 13&U teams 

              Full GCNA fixture and results – 15&U teams 


              Affiliation Netballs - BFNL, GFNL, CDFNL

              BFNL and GFNL SATURDAY affiliation netballs are available for collection from the AFL Barwon Office between 9am and 5pm. 

              Midweek affiliation netballs will be available for collection once team entries for this competition have closed. 

              CDFNL Affiliation Netballs are available from Colac Sports Power. 

              Pre-season Instructions 

              Please view this ‘Pre-Season Handbook HERE! 

              This guide includes step-by-step instructions to ensure your club is set up for the season ahead. Please ensure you refer to it, and ensure you have ticked off all relevant steps. 

              A ‘Match Day Operations’ manual will also be made available for you in the coming weeks to support in-season. 

              Closing Soon - Development Coaching Course 

              Netball Victoria Accredited Course 

              Sunday 16th March  

              12pm to 4:30pm 

              Herne Hill Recreation Reserve 

              Resource Links

              Netball Umpiring

              New Updates

              Midweek Umpire Mentors – Expression of Interest

              We are looking for umpire mentors to assist with the development of umpires through our midweek and Saturday competitions. If you have experience in umpiring and are keen to share your knowledge to others then it would be great to hear from you.

              You will receive an email to confirm your role as a mentor at the end of March and will be required to sign a document outlining roles and expectations. 

              If this sounds like you, please complete the below expression of interest.

              Umpire Coordinator Meeting

              AFL Barwon Facilitated

              As we approach the 2025 Season, we will be hosting a Club Umpire Coordinator/Mentor session. It is mandatory that all GFNL and BFNL clubs have a representative at this session.

              Wednesday 12 March

              Contact your club contact or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to sign up.

              Mentor Workshop

              Netball Victoria Delivered  

              The Mentor workshop looks at the skills and knowledge needed to guide and progress umpires through the different stages of their pathway with an emphasis on mentoring beginner umpires. 
              Covers topics such as the mentor/mentee relationship and responsibilities, constructive feedback skills, the do’s and don’ts of mentoring, and expectations of beginner umpires 

              A reminder that all clubs are required to have an Umpire Coordinator.  

              Friday 14th March 
              Sign up via the link below  

              Commercial Partnerships

              New Updates

              Are you Game Day Ready?

              The new season is nearly here so now is the time to get your club ready with top-quality strapping tape, sporting and medical supplies. Stock up on selected brands with Club Warehouse and you’ll score a FREE rewards pack stacked full of must-have gear for your team. View their comprehensive 2025 Price List Here.

              Place your orders before the end of Feb to receive 10% off wholesale pricing on Club Warehouse’s entire strapping tape range.

              Speak to Martin Gaul for more details or to request tape samples at:

              Phone: 0413 576 677

              Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

              Club Development


              Coach Induction Workshops – Starting Next Week!
              We're hosting two workshops to support both new & returning coaches for the 2025 season!
              ◆ Returning Coaches – Refresh your skills & stay up to date!
              📍 Colac RSL (Upstairs)
              📅 12 March | 6:30PM-8:00PM
              ◆ New Coaches – Learn the basics & kickstart your coaching journey!
              📍 Elderslie Reserve (Newtown & Chilwell FNC)
              📅 19 March | 6:30PM-8:00PM
              More info - AFL Barwon Website
              Container Deposit Scheme Fundraising Opportunities

              Local club fundraising opportunity through Container Deposit Scheme partnership 

              Local football clubs across the state will be supported to raise funds and become more sustainable through a new partnership between AFL Victoria and Victoria's Container Deposit Scheme (CDS Vic). CDS Vic provides the opportunity for Victorians to return eligible drink containers for a 10-cent refund. 


              Please contact Tim Secombe (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) with any questions regarding the above information.

              Sporting Clubs Grants Program Now Open

              Helping grassroots clubs and organisations address barriers in participation, develop safe and sustainable practices and build social and active local communities.

              Open now - closing: 27 March 2025

              Injury Prevention - Prep To Play Workshop

              Come and learn how to use Prep-to-Play and prevent injuries this season.  

              A practical workshop to give you the confidence and skills to use new warm-up, tackling and ground ball drills at your next training. This will include a structured, evidence-based football specific warm-up and cool down, as well as how to teach and introduce contact skills (tackling/being tackled/ground ball focus) safely and effectively. 

              When and where: 6.00pm -7.30pm Tuesday March 25th, Highton Reserve

              Who can attend: Coaches, players, parents, trainers, health/exercise professionals. Prep-to-Play can be used in female and male teams, and all age groups.  

              Coaches will earn 50 CPD points via AFL Learn. 

              Please contact Tim Secombe (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and/or the Prep-to-Play team (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) with any questions regarding the above information. 

              Ahead of the Game

              Ahead of the Game is a free program for players (12 years-18 years), their parents and coaches. Funded by Movember and partnering with the AFL, Ahead of the Game has delivered 1000+ sessions and reached 18,000+ young players nationally in 2024.

              Ahead of the Game provides young players with the tools to deal with life’s challenges, and the confidence to support their mates through tough times, whilst also empowering them to look after their own mental wellbeing. The program has been designed to have localised Delivery Partners come to community clubs to deliver at a time that suits during the season.

              In 2025 Ahead of the game will have capacity to deliver up to 40 workshops in the Geelong & Colac regions.

              Further information and to register your interest can be found here - 

              Watch video about Ahead of the Game  

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